Playback different to score

• Apr 21, 2022 - 09:18

In the 5th measure of the attached score the playback is different to the score, i.e. the score shows only eigth notes but when playing the song some of the notes are played as if they have a dot. I couldn't find out why this is the case. I must admit I am absolutely new to MuseScore. An explanation would be very much appreciated.

Attachment Size
Freezington_WIP.mscz 9.52 KB


Weil die Swingwiedergabe aktiviert ist. Wenn du dies nicht möchtest, kannst du dies, nachdem du den Swingtext markiert hast, über die Schaltfläche Eigenschaften Im Inspekteur ausschalten.
Allerdings, wenn es nicht geswingt gespielt werden soll, warum dann überhaupt der Swingtext?

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