[SOLVED] Troubleshooting: Sync and Jack audio server (Ardour&Musescore)

• Jul 16, 2022 - 00:07

Greetings everyone,

I am having some issues trying to synchronize Musescore >Jack>Ardour (or Mixbus). Every time I am using MuseScore and choose "Jack audio server in "edit preferences I/O," trying to synchronize both applications, the MuseScore playback controls "gray out" and its audio engine shuts down. Then, I have to go to the "Help>Revert to Factory Settings" menu. After that, the system is reset and goes back to PulseAudio. I would like to make either Ardour or Musescore the time master but, unfortunately, Musescore crashes and, because of that, I am not able to even find out what would be my best option to make my arrangements.
Please Let me know if you ladies and gentlemen could help me to solve the issue. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this message and, please let me know if I need to provide any further information

OS: Linux Mint 19.3 4.15.0-188-low-latency Kernel
QjackCtl running just fine while recording and mixing


Alexandre (Alex) Magno S. Ferreira

PS. Second message



A friend from the telegram's Linux AUDIO LAB advised me to uninstall the FLATHUB and try the app image. I did it and now everything is working just fine. Now, I can sync either Ardour or MixBus with Musescore.

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks for letting me know about this. I do appreciate it. The downside of it is that Flathub updates the releases in the background. Sometimes I don't check for updates. But from now on, I will.
Thanks again Jeetee. Now I can make arrangements while listening to a guide or a video on either Ardour or MixBux.

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