Gif of Sheet Music

• Oct 11, 2022 - 18:21

Hello, I help run a website that provides tutorials on how to play the piano. I made a super simple chord progression on sheet music, but along with the image of this sheet music I want to include a gif kind of like this:… but with about two octaves of a keyboard, and able to take a midi file of my sheet music and turn it into a gif. I have been googling for a couple days now with no success. I don't want to make anything complicated, like the Youtube videos of the piano roll falling onto a keyboard, just something short where the keys light up in order for super short chord progressions to accompany blocks of text for people that aren't as familiar with sheet music yet. Feel free to refer me to any other websites or programs that have this information, because I am at my wit's end trying to figure out how to do this ostensibly simple thing. Thanks!


For windows (don't know your OS) I use a small screen capture utility called "LiceCap" which allows me to capture an area of my screen and save it as a GIF. So you could open up the Piano Keyboard in MuseScore set the LiceCap capture area over the octaves you wish to capture and then start MuseScore playback to record the screen.

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