Corrupted File

• Dec 22, 2022 - 21:53

A file for an orchestral piece I've been working on has been corrupted and I'm finding it nearly impossible to fix it. Essentially, whenever I open the file, no matter how many times I delete the issue and resave, it always generates some functional and visual error in the same set of measures in which there are counts of rest in places which there should be none (for example, a whole rest and a quarter rest in a 3/4 bar, two whole rests in one measure, a dotted half note tied to a quarter note except there's a whole rest in between the two, etc, all of which I cannot delete without clearing the whole measure and all of which being marked in the first part designation, so it isn't just a second part whole rest over a first part without it). It only occurs in a set of measures I only edited recently, the whole rest of the piece is fine, but this one segment refuses to work and the file continues to warn me that it's corrupted. I've tried copying the file (still corrupted), deleting all the mistakes and saving it under a different name (both corrupted), actually physically deleting the measures in question (i.e. actually shortening the piece, still ended up corrupted and then generating errors in other measures instead), copy pasting the whole piece's notes to a different, empty workspace (crashed the app), and deleting literally everything and saving a copy of that (which did uncorrupt the file, however obviously it deleted everything else). If anyone knows how to uncorrupt files, or has any solution other than excruciatingly copying by hand everything I've already written, please help. I do not have any versions saved before it corrupted, so this is the only copy of the piece I have.

Attachment Size
Doing Whatever I Want.mscz 705.08 KB

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