Fitting staves on the page

• Dec 27, 2022 - 19:15

The basic issue I'm having is that I can't fit the right number of staves on the page without messing up something else I want to stay the same. In the attached score, I would like to change the settings so that the two full staves on page 3 fit onto page 2.

- I don't want the number of staves on page 1 to change (thus changing Page settings>Scaling>Staff space doesn't work, because shrinking the space added too many staves to page 1)
- I want the measures per staff to stay exactly the same as they are now (i.e., the last staff on page 1 begins with measure 65, the first staff on page 2 begins with measure 70, etc.)--thus stretching/shortening the measures is not an option

The reason for these particular requirements is that I'm reproducing a part that needs to look just like the original published part, except that when I've finishing reproducing it, I'm going to transpose it in MuseScore. Which settings should I be changing? I'm using the latest version of MuseScore 4 on Windows.

I've seen a number of posts similar to this, but changing any one setting seems to do nothing or to have unintended consequences. Thanks,

Attachment Size
Holst_Planets_3rd Trumpet.mscz 38.67 KB


" I don't want the number of staves on page 1 to change"
You need to switch off multi-measure rests temporarily, so that you can then insert a Page Break at measure 69. Then turn on multi-measure rests again.

"I want the measures per staff to stay exactly the same as they are now"
You need to use a System Break at the end of each system, which will ensure that the measures per staff remain the same. If there is overflow (e.g. after a transposition), then you will have to reduce the Scaling a little.

Handbook section for Breaks and Spacers in MS3:

Handbook section for Systems and horizontal spacing in MS4:

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