Hide empty staves - Control for individual systems

• Aug 5, 2014 - 15:45


Musescore lets you hide empty staves globally. If you use that resource you can only force the display on the first system. I would like to get the option for individually controlling in wich systems the staves will be displayed.


Yes, that would be nice someday. Meanwhile, the workaround is to plant an invisible note on any staves you don't want hidden.

A problem with providing per-system options is that systems are "ephemeral" - they come and go as you make changes to your score that alter the number of measures per line. Depending on your intended use, I think maybe a better way to implement such an option would be to attach it to a specific *measure*. So, somewhere in Measure Properties, you check a box that says "don't hide staves in the system containing this measure". Then the option would follow that measure around as it moves from system to system. I assume most cases for wanting to defeat hide empty staves for a single system are really about particular measures.

BTW, I gather from your question you are probably familiar with the "Don't hide empty staves in first system" option in the experimental Nightly development builds that will eventually become MuseScore 2.0. As of a week or so ago, there is also an option in Staff Properties to mark a staff as one to "Never hide". Not that this solves whatever problem you are having here, but thought you might like to know!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I agree, it would usually be a per-measure need. My main purpose for wanting this is choral scoring. On some measures, I am entering the soprano and alto on the same staff because they are mostly homophonic, and the lyrics are similar. On other measures, the parts are polyphonic with very different lyrics, so I want to display on multiple staves.

In reply to by mmasseyster

Could you post an example? I'm having trouble understanding why you'd want extra control to handle that. Doesn't "Hide Empty Staves" *already* do exactly what you'd want here? Or are you saying there might be some places where the alto staff is empty but you still want it to show, even though there are other places where that same staff is empty and you *don't* want it to show?

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