Score Corrupted MuseScore 4 but it might not actually be corrupted?

• Feb 12, 2023 - 01:10

My score says corrupted on musescore 4 but still lets me open it and when I export to a MusicXml file and open it in musescore 3 to see the details musescore 3 says nothing and just lets me open it like normal but I can't upload to the website because its "corrupted" on musescore 4. Since musescore 3 won't show corruption details I don't know if it's actually corrupted or not.

Running the Corruption Repair Plugin says no corruption found but musescore 4 still thinks its corrupted

Attachment Size
Rhapsody In Blue.mscz 175.6 KB


I extracted the .mscx file from your .mscz attachment to use the 'Show Details' of the corruption in MuseScore 3.
It stated:
Measure 29, staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 0/1
Looking at your score in MuseScore 4, the French horn shows not even a rest in a completely empty measure 29.
Get rid of the generated French horn part, then fix measure 29 in the main score.

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