Grouping of instruments in the mixer.

• Feb 14, 2022 - 15:10

When working on larger scores I find it helpful to listen to just a choir of instruments (i.e. the french horns, trumpets, etc), but this requires you to go through the mixer, find the instruments, toggle solo mode for those instruments, do what you wanted to do in the first place, then go back in the mixer and toggle solo mode again. It seems like it could be a real time saver to have the ability to set up groups of instruments in the mixer so you could just hear only that group with one press of a button. An additional feature that could be nice is to have the ability to collapse instruments in the mixer once they're in a group to allow for some decluttering. I understand that musescore is a piece of notation software first and foremost, but I think that it would really add to the "flow" of a work session and allow users to work more efficiently.


I think so, it was useful . You can already make provisory parts of your , for example, 4 trumpets, and so, work on , only , the trumpets . At the end you delete these multi-parts.

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