Spacing Issues

• Dec 21, 2023 - 02:05

Hello, I am using Muescore 4 and I am having some issues. I have been composing a piece for concert band, when all of a sudden i somehow managed to "pull down" two of the staffs so now there is a huge gap in between those two and the rest of the staffs. I've tried everything I can find and I still don't know what to do. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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image (2).png 26.24 KB


Impossible to be certain from a picture but I guess you have accidentally moved something like a dynamic or text item or articulation and Musescore's collision avoidance is forcing a large space to avoid a collision. You can either look for the misplaced item and move it back with CTRL+R or try CTRL+A to select everything, again followed by CTRL+R to reset everything to its default position. Note that the latter method will reset everything to default position even things that you may have adjusted on purpose.

For more specific help, not based on guesswork come back and attach your score (.mscz file)

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