Repeat Verses After Chorus

• Jan 19, 2024 - 23:56

I have a score with four verses and one chorus. I want to play the first two verses, then have a chorus, then play the 3rd and 4th verses, then the chorus again. I know I could do this with voltas and repeats for the first two verses, then a chorus, then have more measures for the 3rd and 4th verse, then more measures for the chorus again, but I'm wondering if all the verses could be beneath each other, and I could instruct MuseScore to go back to the same notes on the staff twice and then to the notes on the chorus again?



You could use a Da Capo element (D.C. al Fine, D.C. al Coda, etc.) to go back to the beginning. Enable play repeats second time. Hide this, and then make sure the notation is clear.

In reply to by Asher S.

Thanks, but I don't think this would work because I have an intro to the score and I don't want to go back "to the head", as Wikipedia defines Da capo.

I took out the voltas and have got a right end repeat sign at the last measure of the verse and have set the play count to two. I have another repeat sign after the chorus and also set that to two. The score plays the verse twice, then the chorus, then goes back to the verse but only plays it one time, then plays the chorus again. If I could get it to play the verse twice after the first chorus repeat I would have what I want. Is there another instruction to tell MuseScore to play the verse twice after the first chorus repeat?

In reply to by Asher S.

Does the same as before in my MuseScore 3.6.2: Segno is at the start of the first verse measure, also left repeat sign there, and right repeat sign at end of verse, Play Count set to 2. For the chorus, no repeat sign but a D.S. at the end of the chorus. It plays two verses, then the chorus, then the verse only one time, then the chorus. I need to tell MuseScore to respect the Play Count = 2 after it goes back to the Segno. Is it possible?


In reply to by HildeK

Super, that works! hamsandwich said "play repeats" but I thought he/she was referring to the Play repeats button on the toolbar, which was already on. However, as you point out, there is also a Play repeats checkbox in the properties of the D.S. I checked that on and now MuseScore does honour the Play repeats in the verse, no need to copy the verse and chorus again. Also, I don't need the voltas for my score but I see that MuseScore honours that also after the D.S. in the example that you gave.

Thanks to both of you for your help.

In reply to by newjim999

The "Play replays" button in the toolbar is only used to play replays at all or not at all. I have (almost) always pressed it.

The manual also has a few examples of repetitions: what is possible, how they work in Musescore and it also shows complex variants.

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