
• Jan 19, 2024 - 23:58

I am writing a piece and I am using accel to make it speed up. Ideally I would like to have it accelerate from 45bpm to 188bpm within a few measure of a piece but, the accel isn't accelerating fast enough. so how do it make it accel faster


The “Playback” button in the properties panel will lead to things you can change about the playback effect of the selected object. Change the speed (I can’t remember if that is actually what it is called) to 418%. Hope this helps.

In reply to by tim69630

Create the notes. (In my example, I just made a two-octave scale--up, then down--then copied it three times.) Set the initial tempo. (As OP wanted it, I set my initial tempo to 45 bpm.) Add the accel. line to the measures you want the acceleration to take place. (You'll see I added it to measures 5-8.) Since OP wants it to speed up to a particular tempo, set the ending tempo as well. (As they wanted, 188 bpm.)

Now the trick. How much faster than 45 is 188? It's JUST over 4 times faster. In fact, 188/45 is approximately 4.178, or 418%.

So, select the accel. text, go to the Properties tab at left, and click the Playback button (near the top left in the Properties tab). Change the Tempo Change / Amount to 418%.

NOTE: These instructions are for MuS4. I don't know what you would have to do for earlier versions, but I believe it's more work.

Attachment Size
20240426 1646-accel.mscz 21.1 KB

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