I need to make a bracket invisible (in musescore 3) but that is not possible with the inspector. I think a good feature would be to allow to make it invisible or change the colour (so I can put it 100% percent opacity). But do you still do feature request for musescore 3?
thank you
Also, while i'm asking about this score, there is also a treble clef that is invisible but is visible on the published score online. I don't know why this happens.
In reply to Also, while i'm asking about… by igo spekkyjarv…
Seriously, just delete it, or use V to hide it.
In reply to Seriously, just delete it,… by Asher S.
That is what it will not let me do. If I delete that bracket it deletes all of them in the score. (and I can't use V)
In reply to Also, while i'm asking about… by igo spekkyjarv…
That’s weird. Try again?
In reply to Also, while i'm asking about… by igo spekkyjarv…
AHA just uncheck show courtesy
Musescore 3 is no longer supported. It will stay where it is. Sorry :’(
In reply to Musescore 3 is no longer… by Asher S.
ok thanks
In reply to ok thanks by igo spekkyjarv…
I have to say there are still bugs. Have you tried MU4? It’s improved but the most recent version adds some things that I’d recommend you ignore for a while until they work properly.