Date system

• May 28, 2024 - 15:41

Does anyone know how to get Musescore 4 to show the date in the version that most of the world use, ie day month year and not how the Americans use ie year month day.
I've searched the handbook with "date system" and simply "date" and failed to notice anything. I have also looked in the programme under "Preferences" and drawn a blank.


It's a known issue:
The date macros ($d, $D, $M) for header/footer show the dates in US format (MM/DD/YY)
... which unfortunately seems to be taking a very long time to appear as a proper fix with options for the date format (probably in Edit > Preferences).
The temporary solution seems to be that the default (fixed) date format for the macros $M, $D or $d is now yyyy-mm-dd which reflects the more logical ISO 8601 standard for date format.

In reply to by DanielR

"Does anyone know how to get Musescore 4 to show the date in the version that most of the world use, ie day month year and not how the Americans use ie year month day."

In fact the Americans seem to use the completely illogical month-day-year, which makes date filing a nightmare!

In reply to by SteveBlower

The only truly logical format for dates is year-month-day. It makes it possible to sort by date alphabetically, without using any kind of conversion. The day-month-year that the rest of the world uses is the only even vaguely-sensible alternative.

... says an American, who can't get even a single one of his countrymen to even consider changing :-(

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