Musescore won't open

• Jun 14, 2024 - 13:15

First: I'm from Denmark, so I apologize in advance for my poor language skills.
After updating today to Musescore 4.3.2 I can't open Musescore. I get a message from Windows - Roughly translated into English it reads: "Windows couldn't access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the necessary privileges to access the element"
I tried opening MuseScore with admin privileges, I tried reinstalling MuseHub, I tried uninstalling Musescore and installing Musescore from MuseHub, however MuseHub seems to be stuck on downloading MuseScore - I waited several minutes, and the installation never began. I tried installing MuseScore without MuseHub, and I rebooted several times in between the steps mentioned above, but nothing seems to work.
My computer is a company PC protected with Heimdal Agent, but Heimdal hasn't caused problems before.

Any help would be appreciated as I use MuseScore daily!

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I have no idea what happened, but after another reboot MuseScore suddenly works again. I didn't change anything and didn't update anything. I guess I'll just be happy that everything works and hope this doesn't happen again...

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