ERRO: Não foi possível guardar a sua partitura na nuvem.

• Jun 28, 2024 - 19:14

Saudações a todos(as) os membros deste forum!

Gostaria que me ajudassem com a seguinte situação:

Não consigo guardar nada na nuvem.
Quando clico em salvar aparece uma mensagem que diz:
«Não foi possível guardar a sua partitura na nuvem.»

O que fazer?



In reply to by DanielR

I already try that. This it was the answer:


Thank you for reaching out to us.
We provide support for the free notation software via the Musescore forums.
You can report an issue or ask questions on forums, Discord, or GitHub (the best option).
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So please repost your message in the forums, and members of our community or our developers will help you.
Looking forward to seeing you in our forums!

Best regards,

MuseScore Support team



In reply to by MAI__88

"I already try that. This it was the answer:...[ask the forums on]"

Yes, this is often the response from untrained staff at the support desk of - but you have to push back and insist that it is a problem which can only be resolved by staff at I know it's tedious, but it's the only way to get their attention.

Translation from :

ERROR: Your score could not be saved in the cloud.
Greetings to all members of this forum!I would like you to help me with the following situation:

I can't save anything in the cloud.
When I click on save, a message appears saying:
"It was not possible to save your score in the cloud".

What should I do?

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