project Time Counter

• Jul 29, 2023 - 14:19

Is there such a plugin that would count the amount of time during which file (project) was opened?
This is necessary to find out how many hours I spent on creating a particular composition


It's almost a year after you posted this, but I too want this to happen. I sometimes do arrangements for people and I need to charge the hours but never know how long I was working on a project unless I count the hours manually. Please please please Musescore developers, add a time counter!!

In reply to by RaptorTV

Immediately after making your first edit save the score. When you have made your final edit save the score again with a different name. Compare the "last modified" time stamps of the two files in File Explorer (or an equivalent in a non-Windows environment) to find how long the file was open.

Of course, the time the file is open does not necessarily reflect the time you have spent working on it - coffee, lunch, random web surfing, sleeping will all be included. But if your client pays for that, so much the better.

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