Weird spacing in stacked 69 chord symbols

• Aug 2, 2024 - 21:39

I don’t know if this is a bug or a “feature,” but the vertical space between the 6 and the 9 kind of bothers me. I did a bit of testing (attached) and as I increase the chord symbol size (via properties), the numbers crash into each other. Conversely, if I reduce the size, the ugly space gets worse.

Do others get this? Perhaps I have something set incorrectly(?). I’m using version 4.3.2 on Linux Mint (LMDE6).

- Rob

Attachment Size
Chordtest.mscz 21.99 KB
Chordtest.jpg 202.91 KB


In reply to by RobHunter123

I can appreciate your desire to gave things exactly as you want them. Interestingly, I went back and opened the file I posted to see if I could do better and I find that my "solution" is not valid because MuseScore hasn't saved the format change - the 69 reverts to 10-point. So, a Feature Request and a Bug (report on GitHub if you wish).

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