Newbie - Page layout for parts

• Sep 8, 2024 - 08:36

Moving away from Finale (long time user) and doing first easy piece. I may not get some terms wrong. Looking in page view at parts and want to move top line all the way to the left (not indented). I'd also like to know how to space the staves on the page. Can you attach text to a bar that moves with the bar? Text like: '1. Whole note scale'. Thank you

Attachment Size
Beg scale.png 20.08 KB


Format>Style>Score and uncheck Indent furst system (I'm not at my PC and I may have misremembered the name of the option, but it is on that score style setting page about half way down).

For your '1. Whole note scale' text, it's probably best to use a text frame, or possibly a vertical frame if you need something more fancy (a text frame can only contain a single piece of text). Actually it looks like you already have one, in your screenshot. If you need to make one, select the bar just after the place you want one to appear, and choose Add > Frames > Insert text frame from the menu.

Frames are inserted into the flow of the music so will always stay in the same relative position. You'll probably find the spacing options useful - if you select the frame itself (not any text you may have typed inside it!) you can then set the gap above/below the frame via the Properties panel.

For vertical stave spacing, see the options in Style > Page. See also this section of the handbook.

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