Adding a "glue" tool to help with box notation

• Sep 11, 2024 - 13:54

I would really like to have the option to "stick" various elements of a score to one another so that they attach and or always maintain the same distance from one another. This past year I've experimented a bunch with box notation by using lines with hooks, but it was always kind of infuriating and time consuming when it came to formatting. If a page got too crowded and pushed a bar to the next page, the box would be ruined and I would have to redo the formatting again later. Even if I ctrl+z it didn't undo the damage completely for some reason.

In the screenshot to the right I have arrows intersecting with lines that in turn connect to the boxes in which I've written notes et.c. I want the ability to treat all these separate objects as a single object, to be able to move it around in its entirety without having to select every single entity within it first. I know ctrl+alt exists, but it is really time consuming and tedious, even more so if I happen to miss a staccato dot/click the page and have to redo the selecting part again.

I don't know if this feature already exists, but if it does please let me know! If it doesn't, I think it could also be useful in other circumstances as well.

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Screenshot 2024-09-11 144049.png 34.23 KB


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