musescore accessibility

• Sep 16, 2024 - 14:55

I'm a blind biggener user of musescore. I have two questions about using musescore with NVDA:
1. changing instuments as a example I have a piano score. I want to play it with flute. The handbook doesn't tell me how to do it with nvda.
2. breath time. when I try to spesify a time of pause for breath, nvda doesn't read the dialog box. Furthermore is there a standart breathh time? what should be the value?
thanks advance and best regards


There are two ways to change the instrument.

Option 1:
Navigate with tab to the instrument dialogue which is beside the palettes and properties settings. Activate it with enter. Press tab until the desired instrument. Press arrow left or right until settings. Press enter. Press arrow down until replace instrument. Confirm it with enter.

Option 2:
Be sure that you are in the score and a measure is selected. Press shift+F10 to open the context menu. Press arrow down until staff/part properties. Confirm it with enter. Press tab until replace instrument. Confirm it with enter.

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