Who has decided to port its plugin to 4.4 ?

• Sep 13, 2024 - 15:42

Just a little poll...

What has motivated your choice to port your plugin to 4.4 or not ?
And if you have tried, which with success ? and did it take a lot of time ?

The reasons I don't do it for now:
- Time
- The lack of console for an easy debug
- Don't want to do the job twice when the so-awaited big change/cleanup of the API will arrive
- The lack of documentation on QML modules sill available
- The lack of documentation on the Muse.UI components

(And, I'm still using MU3.7, so I don't need to update them)


Hey parkingb, I found that the plugins that mostly needed work were the ones that heavily depended on QtQuick.Dialogs module. I was fortunate enough to only have to change the messageDialog{} element to ApplicationWindow {} which did the trick. Everything else worked fine and didnt need any tweaking.

Also, you need to add

//4.4 title: "Plugin name"
//4.4 thumbnailName: "plugin.jpg"
//4.4 categoryCode: "Composition"

right after declaring pluginType, descriprion, version etc..

For plugins that do not use the QtQuick.Dialogs module, adding the //4.4 comments above is enough to make it work.

Hope that helps.

I'm working on updating the DrumSet Patterns and Walking Bass plugins. Mostly done with only a few changes required.

The Qt.labs.folderlistmodel doesn't seem to be included, so listing files in a directory (for example), isn't a possibility.

I'm also having trouble with adding ties in the plugin. cmd("tie") or cmd("choid-tie") doesn't seem to work for me :(

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