MIDI input problems. Please help!

• Sep 25, 2024 - 15:56

When i use MIDI controller to enter the notes in MuseScore4, with Default mode (step-time), i don't know why there are always double notes. I can't upload the video, so i uploaded a picture. I only press the MIDI keyboard (SL88 Studio) but there are 2 notes added in the sheets.
Thank you for reading my friends. And so sorry for my bad English.

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My first thought was that MS might be responding to the "key press" and "key let go", believe this would generate two notes.
Another option is that the keyboard is echo back the information it receives from MS. If you do not use the midi output from MS, try turning that off in Preferences to see if that resolve the issue.
The keyboard also seems to have a possibility that is actually outputs MIDI different depending on the patch being used. It seems to have "layered patches" which could sent double notes.

Hope this helps in finding the cause.

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