Deleting grey rests

• Oct 18, 2024 - 09:38

I´m creating piano compositions straight from midi and then I tidy up the sheet music. But Musescore creates a lot of extra rests. I can delete them, but they remain as ghosts and are quite annoying when working with the score. Se picture.
How do I make the ghost rests entirely invisible?

Attachment Size
Rest dump.jpg 102.22 KB


That looks quite a mish-mash of voices. If you select a rest you will see that it is coloured according to which voice it is in. Rests other than in voice 1 can be deleted with the delete key. However, the score can surely be simplified, which would make a lot of the rests redundant. See and in particular…

The rests are currently grey because they have been set to be invisible. You can always turn off the display of invisible items by selecting Show invisible in the View menu. However, that does make it difficult to select anything that has been made invisible.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thanks for a quick reply! But your answer means that there is no way to hide the invisible rests, that are so disturbing while editing several voices? Another disadvantage is that it is nearly impossible to overview the score in order to see any mistakes or faults, because the sheer amount of rests.
I will try to make the score simplified using your links, but I'm afraid that it will change the whole performance of the piano piece.
Thanks again!

In reply to by stepau

This is probably the result of a PDF input.

The rests are already invisible, you can also hide them completely under "View/Show invisible". They are not present in the printout if they appear in light gray on the screen. But in some places they are necessary ...

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