Tie into a new section (i.e. a coda, or 2nd time ending)
Hi, is it possible where a tie is used into a bar with a 1st time ending, to also have that tie added when it occurs again at the start of a 2nd time ending, or a coda? I've not been able to see anything in the online manual mentioning this. Basically I need to add a tie to a note/chord at the start of a new bar of a new section where a jump is involved to that new section. Thank you for any help :)
You have several options, some better, some worse. See https://musescore.org/en/node/267614, where all the options are listed.
Best one is the first one: Increase the lengths of the voltas to span a futher one or more measures, so that there are no leading ties going into the repeats.
In reply to You have several options,… by HildeK
Thank you so much HildeK :)