• Nov 10, 2024 - 10:35

Hi there I have so enjoyed downloading all my trumpet solos on Muscore which is a great program. I want to source a backing track software that is compatible with Muscore or a paid add on feature if Musecore has this software. A faily basic percussion/organ type backing would suffice.




Are you referring to the musescore file sharing and/or do you store your files online?

If yes, it's then on Here in this forum, we are dealing with issues related to the score writing software, i.e. Musescore Studio.

It's not clear to me what you are after. For example, what is "source a backing track software". Do you possibly refer to a backup software or do mean something else?

I don't know quite what you're asking for either, but making a backing track is easy. Add a couple of instruments and enter approximately what they would play.

For example, I notate bluegrass songs to learn/practice soloing over them. I have a guitar sounding the "boom-chuck" that is traditional in bluegrass, a banjo playing continuous eighth notes from the chord to sound roughly like a banjo roll, and a double bass playing 1 and 5 on the first and third beat of the measure. I just have to create this structure once, then I transpose it for all the chords playing (in bluegrass, usually only I/IV/V) and copy each chord to the appropriate measures.

It's close enough to a real bluegrass band to practice against and, with only a LITTLE more work, can be made to be good enough for simple recording: not good enough for release, but good enough for a demo.

In reply to by TheHutch

Hi greatest thanks to THeHutch, SteveBlower & TomStrand for your collective response. I am sorry u don't understand my request but I am not aufait with backing track technology and my understanding of music theory is very basic.

I will try and explain as follows:

I have over 100 beautiful trumpet solo's that I have annotated on my musecore program on my PC. I play from the printed sheet music unaccompanied. It is not only boring but creates pressure on producing a flawless performance. I am looking either for a "plugin" to my musescore music items to give me some basic backing to synchronise with my score i.e. key, tempo. Even as suggested by TheHutch it would be great if I could just have continuous chords in the required tempo which I can stop/start to allow me to play my solo parts. I really need a bass or percussion for the beat with any sort of background filler such as organ etc. Is this possible to do on musescore or is there a program that is available that I can input my musescore music notations to create a basic matching backing track? I hope this helps and I thank you for your patience.



In reply to by projectsetal

Definitely! Just like I described.

There is a "Jazz Combo" template you could start with. On the Home screen, click the New button, then click Create from template / Jazz / Jazz Combo. This gives you a score with four wind instruments (Trumpet, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Trombone), and Guitar, Piano, Bass, and Drum (as in a drumkit). I would delete the wind instruments and either the Piano or Guitar.

Create a reasonable drum rhythm (see the Handbook's section on Percussion: Enter a bass rhythm. Then enter a Piano or Guitar (whichever one you kept) comping. For a very simple backing track, simply create one measure of the drum/bass/comp in one chord, then copy it to a new measure and transpose it to another chord. Repeat this for as many chords as you need, then fill them into the changes as needed.

If you don't know how to create the comp, have a look at Aimee Nolte's YouTube site ( She has quite a few videos about comping on the piano, and in a few of them talks also about comping on the guitar (though I don't think she plays it). I seem to recall that Adam Neely's YouTube site ( has one or two videos about walking the bass. Can't help you with the drums. *shrug*

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