Score "jumps" to the right when the last beat visible is filled.
Love MuseScore and probably not using more than 10% of the features. I make my own piano renditions of pop songs. I use all ten fingers. And the whole piano keyboard.
When entering notes, upon filling the last beat of the last visible measure, my entire score "jumps" to the right such that the last filled measure is no longer visible. This happens in both "page" and "continuous" views. This is annoying because every time it happens I then need to drag the score to the right to see what I just entered. It is especially annoying with multiple staves and upon filling one it all jumps. The annoyance stems from losing my train of thought, as I literally lose the "picture" and so the "sound" in my head all stops.
Is there any way to either not have it automatically "jump" when a measure is filled - I would still be dragging but now to the left and only pragmatically, similar to how I would if doing this on paper! - or to have it only jump one measure? I have looked in the handbook but not found a reference and am not even sure how to search for this topic. (For reference, I hope I have described the issue in enough detail that you can understand my complaint!)
Peace! Let the band play on!
uncheck if you want the view to remain stationary.
In reply to See:… by Shoichi
Thanks. This is not the issue. (Problem occurs when entering notes manually, not during playback.)
After it jumps, just press the Left arrow key rather than try to drag anything. This simply moves back to the previous note ... and in your situation, the said "previous note" is the last note in the last measure of the previous system.
In reply to After it jumps, just press… by TheHutch
That will be helpful, to be sure. But it doesn't solve the issue. Still, thanks. I knew that there must be some way to do this but had not yet "accidentally" hit the L/R arrow to discover it. Mostly I just try to stay "natural". (I'll show myself out.)
In reply to That will be helpful, to be… by pairnpartners
When you enter a note in Note Input mode, the cursor automatically moves on to the next note position, waiting for the next note to be entered. If that previous note was the last note in the last measure of a system, then the cursor MUST move on to the next note, which is the first note of the first measure of the next system. If you are zoomed in close enough, that means that the screen view, showing the current position of the cursor must jump from the extreme right of the page to the extreme left. Pressing the Left arrow key simply moves back that one space to the extreme right (end of the system).
This is the equivalent of "word wrap" in a word processing system. The developers must choose how to respond to that "wrapping" and they've chosen to display the position of the about-to-be-entered note. IOW, this behavior is by design. (Now that you know about using the Left / Right arrow keys at this point, you'll expect it and get used to it. :-)
In reply to When you enter a note in… by TheHutch
Thanks. Yes, I understand all the "why" and "how". Wondering if there is a way to disable this function. In word processing this cursor jumping is essential, especially as one only ever writes as a single voice. In music, with multiple staves and voices, it's annoying. Regardless, even if it only advanced one measure, that would be less "jolting". Advancing to an entirely new blank page is disorienting. But thanks for the feedback!
In reply to Thanks. Yes, I understand… by pairnpartners
It does only advance by one measure: indeed by only one note. That's why a single Left arrow keypress takes you back. The jolt happens when that note is on the next system, or the next page. Just like in a word processing system.
After I posted, it occurred to me that one way to avoid it jumping is to make your display space wide enough and your score zoomed appropriate, that the right and left sides of the system are both visible all the time. The cursor will still take that step, but it shouldn't make the display jump, since both positions are already visible.
Best thing to do is to just ignore it and keep going ... also as in a word processor.