How to get tremolo to not re-articulate?

• Mar 16, 2025 - 21:25

I have tremolo between two pitches that I want to continue for several bars. I can notated it fine, but on playback, the start of each margin has a definite re-articulation. I want it to sound continuously over the bars. Is this possible?

OS: macOS 15.3, Arch.: arm64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.5.0-250721848, revision: 7c55023

Attachment Size
Tremolo.mscz 21.47 KB


An image will rarely help in identifying and resolving an issue. Please attach a score file (.MSCZ) that demonstrates the problem. Always a good idea to identify your computer's operating system (including the version!) and MuseScore's version (Help / About MuseScore) as well.

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