Can a harp arpeggio in MS 3.62 not play the first strum?
Hi all:
I am adapting a song with a 12 note harp arpeggio (treble and bass clefs). The harp is playing quietly on a 3/4 clef as individual notes one at a time. In Musescore 3.62, if I add an arpeggio symbol to the staff containing all 12 notes, the player first strums all notes, then plays them one at a time over the 3/4 beat. That is nice, but I don't want it to strum first. I just want the harp to play the arpeggio one note at a time, beginning on the bottom note. Can I get rid of the strum while still using the arpeggio symbol, or do I have to enter all 12 notes one at a time using intervals?
A screenshot would help, but would doing the arpeggio as a tuplet, instead, do what you want?
In my defense, I know NOTHING about the harp, other than you spend 2 hours tuning it, and it stays in tune for 20 minutes, or until somebody opens a door somewhere in the building, whichever comes first.
In reply to A screenshot would help, but… by mikey12045
Thanks for the comment Mikey. Not sure if placing an arpeggio as a tuplet would work, but OK, this is NUTS! I opened another MS 3.62 score I had adapted in the past that had an arpeggio harp in it, and this time, there was no chord strum first. The harp followed the same exact arpeggio symbol from the palette but played the chord one note at a time, with no beginning strum. I copied that harp chord from the other score, pasted it into the one I am working on, edited the notes to ring the chord pitch I wanted, and voila ... no chord strum. Everything is identical (symbol, notes, placement etc.) but no strum. The only difference was the key (Bm instead of G). The harp notes just played one at a time. Someone please tell me what the hell just happened?
In reply to Thanks for the comment Mikey… by fsgregs
Way above my pay scale. Somebody smarter will be along. And they will probably ask you to post the file.
In reply to Thanks for the comment Mikey… by fsgregs
Any possibility you have a chord symbol at that point? If so, is it set to Play in the Properties tab? (I'm assuming not, but it's not impossible.) That could explain the "strum" before the arpeggio plays its individual notes. *shrug*
And, yes, definitely post the score and provide your OS and version, and MuseScore version (Help / About MuseScore)