Difficulty with making certain notes

• Sep 2, 2014 - 10:13

So I'm transcripting a song, and part of the song needs me to do what is shown in the picture file included. If you don't understand, I need to overlap notes. This has needed to occur multiple times during earlier parts of the piece, but I believe that part is impossible to do and I have figured out how to do it without having to overlap the notes. But for this, I want to have one note (the longer one) with a dot to make the note go longer (because a demiquaver is half a semiquaver and if I put a dot next to it my problem is fixed). But when i go to do that, it automatically attaches a dot to all the other notes on the chord. Is there any way to fix this? It would be hard to play that part of the song without this.

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It was very clear that the picture was grabbed from a piano roll display.

But I didn't understand what was required either until the OP gave the information that it was a piano piece.

It is now clear that there is a left hand part and a right hand part which would be notated on separate staves, so, in this case, no voices required.

Marc is quite right, however, use of voices (layers) is very common in more complex piano scores, and it would be a good idea to learn how to use them.

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