How to import a MIDI file including ternary rhythmic (with triplet of tongs and no sixteenth-notes)

• Sep 21, 2014 - 14:12

Hi !

First, sorry for my poor english !

I try to import a MIDI file the rhythmic structure of which is ternary (12/8) but the only parameter to be indicated during the opening is the resolution (the smallest shown note), the tongs, the sixteenth note, the thirty-second note, etc. The result is that the display is illegible (tongs connected to sixteenth notes, for instance) and the quantization is made in the sixteenth note and not in the triplet of tongs.

How, without having to edit all the score, may I get back a coherent display with the MIDI file ?

Thanks a lot for your answers !



Have you tried importing it in MuseScore 2.0 Beta 1 (or even a later nightly build)?
MIDI Import has been greatly improved over 1.x.

If with 'tongs' you mean 256th notes: no, MuseScore doesn't have those.
If you mean somthing ales, please clarify, the term "tong" doesn't seem to translate (other than into ;-))

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi !

Sorry for my poor english (I'm a french man !!!).

"Tong" means "quaver" ! So I repeat what I'm looking for :

I try to import a MIDI file the rhythmic structure of which is ternary (12/8) but the only parameter to be indicated during the opening is the resolution (the smallest shown note), quaver, sixteenth note, thirty-second note, etc. The result is that the display is illegible (quavers connected to sixteenth notes, for instance) and the quantization is made in the sixteenth-note and not in the triplet of quaver.

I hope you understand what I'm looking for !

Thanks a lot !

In reply to by jeepinbdx

Hi there,

Compound time (6/8, 9/8, 12/8) is always a problem in MIDI as the tick resolution system is really designed for simple time.

You cannot usually get a sensible result from importing a MIDI file into any notation program in compound time.

It might help if the time signature were defined in the MIDI file as 12/8.

If you attach the MIDI file you are having trouble with I can try to massage it for better input into MuseScore.

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