Keyboard: select (blue rectangle) a note that has a blue note head

• Oct 13, 2014 - 07:45

I don't know what terminology to use. Say I want to work with the keyboard, not the mouse, and the note is already selected with a blue note head:


If I want to use the shortcut "R" to repeat selection, it will not work. The note must be selected with a blue rectangle:


then I can use the shortcut "R".

To select the note with a blue rectangle, we can use "Shift+Click", but is it possible directly with the keyboard? The workaround I use is in two steps: "Shift+Right arrow" (the next element is also selected) followed by "Shift+Left arrow" to have only the note. I wonder if there's a shortcut (one step) to do that.

Attachment Size
selection-1.png 4.64 KB
selection-2.png 4.91 KB


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