Change actual value for multiple measures.
I tried to change actual value for multiple measure can only chanhe one measure's actual value.
Is there a way to change actual value for multiple measuse?
If it isn't please add this function to musescore.
I'm not sure I understand, "change actual value for multiple measure ".
Do you mean you want to add more measures to the multi-measure rest? If so then go to the measure after your multi-measure rest and insert a new measure as described in the handbook: measure operations .
In reply to I'm not sure I understand, by David Bolton
I guess mse wants to be able to select several measures, then right click -> measure properties and change the actual duration of each measure in the selection. I must say I don't see why someone would like to do this instead of changing the time signature.
@mse? why do you want to do this?
In reply to Actual duration and multiple measure by [DELETED] 5
In Turkish music we have very big time signature like 32/4, 120/4. Those signatures are combination of different time signatures. I must divide to anther time signaturelike 4/4 or 8/8 for easy reading. If this function is added to Musescore I can add those signatures on score. I've added a example score.
In reply to Here is why I want this. by mse
This came up before , but here's a summary:
(Please note: the attached MuseScore file was created using version 0.9.6 RC1. If you are using version 0.9.5 or earlier it will not display correctly.)
In reply to Here is why I want this. by mse
no more than 32 is available as the upper time signature number....
so you have just to use 4/4, make the first measure shorter, turn invisible the time signature, the silence of the first measure and the first bar between first and second measure, then add a pseudo-signature as staff text.
See files (the mscz is for 0.9.6)
Thakns for help David and Robert. It solves my problem.
BTW It's really appreciated if this function added on museScore.