Start and end repeat bar lines issue

• Dec 22, 2014 - 10:37

Hi everyone.
Sorry if I'm wrong posting on this forum, but reading on made me think on doing it here.

This is the appearence of the start and end repeat bar lines.

Musescore2, build: 80a58a9

Running on Linux Mint 17 Xfce 64-bit (Ubuntu 14.04)


Attachment Size
Bug Mscore.png 15.61 KB


My guess is, you have an older incompatible version of the MuseScore fonts installed on your system - perhaps from an incorrect packaging of MuseScore 1.3 that installed the fonts rather than compiling them in to the application as was supposed to be done. Unfortunately, it won't be possible to run 2.0 alongside such an installation of 1.3. You'd need to get a better package of 1.3. I think some have been made available to fix that issue, but I'm not sure.

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