Glissandi and note editing

• Dec 25, 2014 - 00:04

Where are the glassandi and arpeggio dynamics located in Musescore 2? Also, the program crashed when I tried to move multiple notes to the right place.


In the beta release of MuseScore 2.0 (note there is no MuseScore 2 yet - just experimental beta and nightly builds of what will eventually become MuseScore 2.0), arpeggios & glissando are located in the palette by that name, but it will only be visiblew if you switch to the Advanced workspace using the menu at the bottom of the palette window. Dynamics are in the dynamics palette; that should be visible even in the Basic palette.

As for the crash, can you provide details on how to reproduce? A sample score, specific steps to follow?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for replying! I've been trying to transfer my Sibelius scores into Musescore, but the piece keeps coming out as piano playback! Each staff is labeled correctly, but they playback as a piano. It would be more convenient if the MusicXML would transfer exactly as it is written along with the correct instrument sounds and notation, because it is too tedious and frustrating for me to do some editing work to make it sound perfect. I've noticed the drums don't come out right either, as it plays the wrong sounds. When I try to move the notes, some notes are removed and they all change into the same notehead! It would be very nice if I didn't have to waste my time correcting everything without the stress of too much editing.

In reply to by cmgmustang

MusicXML is not perfect as a format, MuseScore isn't perfect in importing, but I suspect in this case, the biggest issue is that Sibelius is especially less than perfect in *exporting*. That is, the problem may well be that the necessary playback information just isn't in the MusicXML file created by Sibelius. Feel free to post the file - ideally in a separate thread for that specific problem.

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