Negative page offset

• Jan 29, 2015 - 09:25

I'd like to be able to set a negative page offset (in Layout → Page Settings... → First page number:), with the effect that page numbers below 1 are just not displayed.
So I can have a score that starts with, say, page -3, which is to mean that the first four pages won't show a page number and the 5th page gets page number 1.
Should be fairly easy to implement and I volunteer to do it...
Edit: I actually did it already, see

In an additional/later step those unshown page numbers (< 1) could optionally get shown as upper- or lower case roman numerals (I, II, III, IV... or i, ii, iii, iv...) maybe?


Sooner or later I'm going to be self-publishing my scores, and I intend to include title pages, so this is a very good feature!

That PR got merged just now, so negative page number offsets are now possible.

Nothing had been done yet though about that additional/later step reg. roman numerals.

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