file "lancemscore" in mscore.64bits-2015-02-24-10-30-201c75c.tar.bz2 is no script!

• Feb 24, 2015 - 11:34

The file "readme", located in mscore.64bits-2015-02-24-10-30-201c75c.tar.bz2, says that I have to doubleclick on the file "lancemscore" to launch mscore, but "lancemscore" is a pure text file and no shell script. How to execute?


Hmm, what is the difference between a shell script and a pufe text file?
The lack of the shebang? Or the lack of execute permission?

For the latter:

sh lancemscore
chmod +x lancemscore

For the former add
as the first line

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Jojo,

You write :"Hmm, what is the difference between a shell script and a pufe text file?
The lack of the shebang? Or the lack of execute permission?"

My answer:

1. my experience with UNIX (or LINUX) is rather sufficient (I'm a pensionist, 68 years old,
and during my at occupation at my university, I was a UNIX and LINUX sysadmin for about
40 years! Additiionally, I hold a lot of lectures in shell or bash programming).

So when opening lancemscore I see a pure text file (does not contain any shell
command). I can add "#!/bin/bash" or "#!/bin/sh", but this does obviously not help.

2. Addiionally, if you don't believe me:

Usage of the file command:

file lancemscore
lancemscore: ASCII text, with very long lines

3. Try to execute lancemscore:

bash lancemscore
lancemscore: line 1: To: command not found bash lancemscore
lancemscore: line 1: To: command not found
lancemscore: line 3: Here: command not found
lancemscore: line 4: download: command not found
Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console
lancemscore: line 6: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
lancemscore: line 24: syntax error: unexpected end of file

I think, this confirms my impression :-)

Contents of lancemscore: (proving that's no shell script!)

------------------------------------------------- snip ----------------------------
To install a nightly you must have installed Qt5.4. and gcc 4.9

Here is the procedure to install Qt
download Qt5.4 from
open the download directory, here is and use properties to make this file executable.
Then run it. Just click yes or next or validate until it's over. (it is not necessary, at the end to launch Qt Creator). Qt is installed in HOME/Qt

In a terminal check for gcc invoking
gcc -v
if gcc is lower tha 4.9 add ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test in your repositories recharge, and update.

With Qt and gcc 4.9 installed there is only to download the last herebelow nightly. Extract it to a directory of your choice, for instance HOME/mscorenight. You find in it this readit, the binary "mscore", and a short script "lancemscore". This script tells mscore where to find Qt files. If your Qt is not in HOME/Qt modify the script accordingly.

Doubleclick the script to launch mscore. If it fails invoke the script from a terminal in HOME/mscorenight to see the messages. You can also invoke the script (with it full path) from a menu launcher.

To upgrade just download, extract (replacing old files)

create a directory, for instance ~/musenight

-------------------------------------- snap ------------------------------

Kind regards

Joachim Backes

In reply to by Joachim Backes

I haven't looked at the file, I just assumed it to be what Robert showed at several occasions on other threads. Apparently not so...

And, well, a shell script is a text file, but yes, of course not every text file is a shell script.

Robert: seems your lansmscore in that archive is more or less a copy of the readme (just a few bytes shorter)

In reply to by Joachim Backes

I apologize

I just check in my virtual machine

1/ lancemscore should be as follows
properties are : anybody allowed to read and write; is executable
content is

export PATH=~/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/bin/:$PATH

export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=~/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/plugins/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/


It appears that the file "lancemscore" I included has the same content as the "readme" file

I hope next upload will be better

Meanwhile you could manufacture a good launch script and try.

If you want I create a virtual Fedora and try my uploads

In reply to by robert leleu

Hi Robert,

sounds good.

But I saw that I don't need lancemscore because in Fedora 21, qt5 is available as installable Fedora package, and I had it installed already 2 months ago (installation was done into the Fedora standard pathes).
So the mscore binary in
mscore.64bits-2015-02-24-10-30-201c75c.tar.bz2 runs immediately in F21.

Kind regards (from pensionist to pensionist)

Joachim Backes

I'm happy that you found my file lancemscore. That's an innovation mine. It is shipped labeled "executable".
What is your OS ? Mine is Mint17 Rebecca, and such a file under Rebecca will execute when dblclicked, or using the contextual menu, or, at least invoking it from a terminal open in its repertory.

Let me know

PS Actually I uploaded this morning, and have to check on a virtual machine. I report later.

In reply to by Joachim Backes

Glad to meet you. I'am retired 81 years with only personal experience in personal computing.

I just checked my system on a virtual machine running (also) Mint Rebecca, in which I first installed Qt5.4 and the gcc 4.9. And yes it happened as I hoped : dblclicking lancemscore displayed the nightly mscore

@ joachim

All errors corrected, works for Mint17 as specified.

I tried for a virtual Fedora, but did not find how to install gcc in Fedora.

Do you know ?

In reply to by Joachim Backes

Thanks. The nightly is launched through ./lancemscore
I am not able to obtbin it with a dblclick or a menu entry, bat that's a Fedora problem

I modified the readme in the 64bits uploaded file (valid from to-morrow)

I want to adjust this readme file for many Linux distribution, and I receive wih pleasure any suggestion.

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