Repeats do not work if they are in the middle of a measure

• Apr 25, 2011 - 15:37

Repeats do not work if the are in the middle of a measure. The repeat is restarted at the begin of the score, not at the repeat sign.
Look at the attached example.

Attachment Size
Repeat Test.mscz 1.68 KB


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks Iasconic, but I figured out how to put a repeat bar in the middle of a measure. The problem is, that if you but a start repeat bar in the middle of a measure, and an end repeat bar at the end, the repeat does not start at the start repeat bar, but at the beginning of a song.

Look at the example in my original post.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

OK, I got it now what you mean, Iasonic.

So basically you have to split one measure into two and then put a repeat bar in between. But this is just a workaround and not so elegant, because the measure count is then incorrect.

Though still I think this is a bug. If you just put a repeat bar in the middle of a measure, this should work too, but it doesn't.

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