MIDI Import

• Nov 18, 2015 - 17:39

I'm using MuseScore 2.02 and haven't been able to figure out a way to set “tolerances” for importing midi files. Is there anyway to get MuseScore to have the smallest note value, as a 16th note? I'm currently getting 128th note rests and the like when importing midi files. I've tried to edit the preferences under MIDI where it says “Shortest Note Value”. That is set to 16th but I'm still getting 128th note rests.



When you import a MIDI file, you shoudl see a window at the bottom of the screen with lots and lots of options. If you don't find a way to get what you want, please post the MIDI file you are having problems with and describe where you see issues with note values.

In reply to by benjaminh

I think what is happening is only notes that are sufficiently close to the quantization parameters are rounded off - if there are four equally spaced notes within a beat, they are going to be represented as sixteenths evemn if you specify eighth note quantization. Which is to say, I think the quantization tries to be "intelligent", although I'm sure that means sometimes it guesses right and other times wrong. But this seems consistent with what I read in the Handbook page referenced above - in particular, the part of the Handbook that says "Actual quantization grid size is adaptive and reduces when the note length is small". It also seems consistent with what I am seeing.

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