Copy four staves into two

• May 27, 2009 - 18:50

Many anthems and motets for choirs are written in four parts on four staves, either accompanied or unaccompanied with a practice accompaniment.
Being able to copy all four into two or three keyboard (piano/organ) staves would save a great deal of time. Perhaps I'm missing something but I have been only able to copy two staves and must create the other two parts manually.

MuseScore 0.9.5 revision 1848 on Ubuntu 9.04.


It's a little quirky but if you follow the exact steps below then it will work. Although there are several steps it is much quicker than redoing it by hand.

  1. Select soprano staff
  2. Edit > Copy
  3. Click to select treble staff of piano
  4. Edit > Paste
  5. Edit > Voices > Exchange Voices 1-3
  6. Select alto staff
  7. Edit > Voices > Exchange Voices 1-2
  8. Edit > Copy
  9. (If you want the alto staff back in voice 1 then Edit > Undo)
  10. Click to select treble staff of piano
  11. Edit > Paste

Repeat likewise for the bass clef.

(Tested using r. 1853 self-built, Windows XP)

In reply to by David Bolton

I remember your method working OK in the pre-release, but it does weird things in the Beta version for Ubuntu. The line didn't paste and the lyrics moved to the Soprano line.

I'm a member of a men and boys choir who sings mostly a capella, but sometimes rehearses with piano. Being able to easily make a piano reduction of multiple staves would be very useful.

Also, parish choirs not quite up to singing a capella would fund such a feature a boon.

In reply to by GACB

I used the following steps. I works for me using the 0.9.6 beta.

  1. Open a score with four vocal staves (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass)
  2. Create > Instruments
  3. Add a piano and click OK
  4. Select the alto staff
  5. Edit > Copy
  6. Click on the piano treble staff
  7. Edit > Paste, leave the notes selected for now
  8. Edit > Voices > Exchange Voices 1-2
  9. Select the soprano staff
  10. Edit > Copy
  11. Click on the piano treble staff
  12. Edit > Paste
  13. File > Save

The stems are going in the wrong direction but if you File > Reload it fixes itself.

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