No Beams or Print

• Aug 13, 2011 - 22:17

Hi, I've recently started using musescore and It seems i can't add beams. Also when i try to print out. The notes and symbols are replaced by letters. I'm using windows 7.


What do you mean when you say you can't add beams? Tey should be created automatically when you add eighth notes. Have you read the section on how to enter notes in the handbook that comes with the program? See:

As for the print problem, that sounds lie a font issue, which normally doesn't happen with MuseScorw because the fonts are built in. What version of MuseScore,, and how are you trying to print?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The bad printing was something with the printer settings or such. Because when i tried export to PDF it looked fine. The adding beams was about the manual adding and such. It's been worked out now. I just needed a little getting used to the way it works. Thanks for the help anyway

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