The future of SFZ in MuseScore

• Feb 4, 2016 - 09:32

I was wondering whether Werner had any plans for increasing the number of SFZ opcodes which Zerberus recognises.

If not, maybe this would make a good GSOC project?

It would be good to bring Zerberus up to SFZ 1.0 compatibility in the future.


I don't have concrete plans for any work on the zerberus synthesizer. It would be a nice project to make it work with other sfz files.

In reply to by hpfmn

I don't think they're really relevant to the production of soundalike instruments such as those used orchestrally, or for instruments like acoustic guitar and basses etc.

Where you want control over them is when you are producing SFZ synthesiser sounds.

Having said that, it would be useful to be able to get Zerberus to respond to the the Mod Wheel, or maybe polyphonic aftertouch so vibrato would be possible.

I have listed the really important ones above - if we could start with those, then the exotic stuff would come later.

The really vital one is to get Zerberus to respond to loop points defined within the sample.

I have done some work on how these are defined within a RIFF wave file, but the problem is that the RIFF format is too open and I don't yet understand how the cue points chunk which holds the loop points data really works as different WAV samples use different ways of storing it - eg some WAV files store the loop points at the end of the file and some as part of the header.

In reply to by hpfmn

You have to be able to deal with loop points saved in the wav file because the default behaviour of SFZ is to use any loop points found there.

I quote from the loop_mode definition in the SFZ spec......

If loop_mode is not specified each sample will play according to its predefined lopp mode. That is, the player will play the sample looped using the first defined loop, if available. If no loops are defined, the wave will play unlooped.

The loop_start and loop_end opcodes are there for overriding loop points defined in the sample.

Davy Triponney, the author of Polyphone may be able to help with the RIFF format as Polyphone reads (and writes) loop points in imported/exported samples.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Ahh ok!

Since MuseScore uses libsndfile to deal with audio files - why not use their loopinfo?

Not sure if they cover all methods of looping a file though... and if that info is what we really need...

Maybe having a look at Polyphones source is enough. But thanks for enlighten me about the sfz spec ;)

I think polyphone gets its info in trunk/sf2_core/sound.cpp starting at line 643.

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