The Lyric entry has a possible bug.

• May 4, 2016 - 01:53

Okay, so I decided to test out the lyrics entry. I was entering La-La-La, then I saw that the "-" was not notated. I also tried to enter ________ however, that was not notated as well.

For the file, you can see I already have notes notated. For the Alto line, click on the first note, and then type "la" followed by the "-". repeat until you run out of notes. Notice how the "-" is not written there.

For the tenor line, select the first note, and then type "la" followed by "__". Keep on typing "_" until you run out of notes. Notice how the "_" is not written in.

Attachment Size
See_between_Staves.mscz 12.11 KB


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