2's against 3's

• May 16, 2016 - 20:27

Left hand in every measure has been 3 triplets, but the last measure I need 2 triplets and a quarter note. I cannot seem to change the quarter rest and eighth note to just a quarter rest to allow me to put in a quarter note instead of the triplet. I've looked at the handbook and tried different things, but cannot figure it out. Help!


How do I attach my score? Copy and paste? No one's suggestions are helpful. I may have to use white-out and write in what I need.

In reply to by martom

To attach your score, click the "File attachments" link right below where you type your reply.

Buit based on your description, what was suggested above *should* work. In more detail:

1) click the "3" for the triplet
2) press Delete

The entire triplet will be deleted. If this doesn't help, please attach the score and descirbe exactly what goes wrong when you follow those steps.

You can also select the triplet by clicking the first note and shift+clicking the last note then pressing Delete. Or click an empty spot in the measure and press Delete to delete the whole measure. Definitely no need to resort to whiteout.

This was solved with my handwriting the bass part by hand. No suggestions mentioned helped. So sorry I caused all this trouble. Perhaps in time I'll keep fooling around to see how to solve it.

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