Change the color of the stave lines

• Jan 30, 2012 - 11:51

It will help me a lot if I can be able to change the color of the staves from black to white. I want to use a dark color (Black) as background. I am able to change everything else to white, but not the staves. What about a plugin perhaps? I need to rewrite plus minus 4000 verses with notes (church hymns) . The black background and white lettering and notes is more soothing for the eye during a proxima projection. For projection in daytime the black lettering on white background is just fine, but for the evening sermons we need it to be white words and white notes on a black background. I have tried to use another program to do the reverse- thing, but it is just too time consuming.

Kindest regards

MuseScore version 1.1 Windows 7


In reply to by Miwarre

Thanks, I know that it is not possible in MuseScore at this stage, but I believe that anything one can think of is possible! (Walking on the moon... for example!) That is why I am asking for an add-in to be written. It will make my task so much easier! Or is it totally not possible? And would I have to accept it. (Is it really true that I can be wrong?) Is there another notation program somewhere that can do it? I am so happy to use MuseScore.I really don't want to change.

Kind regards

You can change the default color of MuseScore foreground in Preferences -> Colors
Unfortunatly, it seems to work but not for barlines and for text (except if you change the text style as well)

Laconic, you are special!. It can be done, I can change everything to white on black in Musescore. (version 1.1) Windows 7

1. Preferences > Canvas> Notesheet > change to black > apply
2. Preferences > colors > default foreground > change to white > apply
3. To change the text: Style > Edit text style> Lyrics odd lines> click on color box and select color needed >OK
4. To change the title: right click on title > text properties > click on color box and select color needed > OK

Please see attached sample.

Note: I have tried to change the color of the text Lyrics) via the text properties, but nothing happens, it stays black. I think that with version 1 it was possible to change the text (lyrics) via text properties.

Thank you MuseScore!

Kindest regards


Attachment Size
Psalm 1-2 vers 1 in white on black.mscz 3.43 KB

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

I can see how this might be used for a projected image, but not for paper as ink is "probably" the most expensive liquid available retail.

However, for projection....I wonder that an "Invert" (or "negative") feature isn't in your projector?

The other route of using another program like IfranView is probably the easiest alternative, although it might be possible for MuseScore to change their program, maybe when all the other requests are sorted into priorities (and numbers of requests)....perhaps MuseScore should post the "Changes" and then users could vote for ten in order of preference 0=low, 9=high.
Incidently, making the projected image a little smaller increase the brightness - and spare lamps are a fortune! A good screen also helps if its angle is matched to the congregation - but narrower is usually brighter.
Hope that helps.

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