Crash using ottava (debug build)

• Jun 24, 2016 - 01:31

Linux, nightly ae37ad9
1. Select measure from score
2. Double-click ottava from palette

Result: Crash


Using which version/build of MuseScore, which OS etc.? Doesn't crash for me on xubuntu 16.04, MS version 2.0.3, build 3c7a69d, for instance (but it might crash for you with the latest nightly or Arch, but it might not for someone on Windows 10).

In reply to by underquark

Ah, forgot. Updated post to show.
I suppose, since this is the technology preview forum, that one should have tested with the latest nightly.
That does remind me though, I am using debug build currently. I will test release soon.

Edit: crash occurs with debug build only.

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