Chord Substitutions

• Jun 30, 2016 - 15:12

I would like to add chord substitutions to a chart i have already created.
I would like to add the chord substation above the existing chord parenthesis...
and a slightly smaller font.....if not above the existing chord...maybe just below the staff.

Can I do this?


Yes, you can do this. Just add a second chord to the same note the same way you add the first - click note, Ctrl+K - and then use the Inspector to change to a different text style. This assumes you've created the text style first - Style / Text, select Chord Symbol then hit New and make whatever changes you want and give it a name (like "Alternate Chords"). You could also add the alternatee chords in a different voice.

In reply to by alanbaugh

If you want to change any text, you have to select the new size before you type. I thought you were writing the text first and then trying to change it's size.

If the latter is the case, you have to highlight the text in the same manner as you have to in a word processor. This is what I do:

1. Double click on the entered text to enter edit mode.
2. Use Ctrl-a to select all the text in the box.
3. Then change the size.

If you already are in edit mode, omit step one.

In reply to by alanbaugh

hord symbols work differently from other text because of the special automatic formatting. So there is no text toolbar to change fonts with. Instead, see my previous response. First, create a custom text style "Alternate Chord Symbols" (eg, right click the chord, Text Style, New, give it that name, change the size and position as desired, OK). Now you can assign that custom text style to your chords using the Inspector.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


You answered this for me some time ago...and it worked, but I have since forgotten and can't seem to make it work....also, after creating the new text style "Alternate Chord Symbol" doesn't save..when I close the program and go back...the new text style I created is gone.

If you would please...explain again how to add a chord substitution with a smaller font.

In reply to by alanbaugh

text styles live in the specific score you created them - they are not global. So if you created that style in one score, it is available in that score but not others. To make it available to other scores, try saving your original score as a template (File / Save As, choose your Templates folder) and then create your future scores from that template. Or use Style / Save Style to save your style to a file (extension MSS) and either manual load that into existing scores, or use Edit / Preferences / Score to set it as the default for new scores.

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