Drip Drop

• Aug 4, 2016 - 18:53


Made after it started raining outside. 10x repeat.


Yeah, I like the idea behind this piece.
Just to let you know, the piece does have a slight potential of having the same effect as a "consistent, loud dripping noise" that never ends. Or a loud ticking sound that goes TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK non-stop. For some people, that is an annoyance. It's never been for me, however, I saw that potential.

I actually sort of like this piece.

In reply to by ForgottenRec

Well, I think you're idea was creative.

The only piece I can think of that might be a help to you is the one composed by I don't know who. (I don't even know the title of it). It is sort of like a rain piece, or a piece about rain. What I did notice at the beginning of it was that it used woodwinds to sort of make the drip-drip-drip effect, while the strings sort of had the "wind effect". It started off as that, but it quickly got more intense and developed into a "storm". If I can find it, I'll tell you its name.

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