Testing smart layout in MuseScore 3.0

• Nov 7, 2016 - 07:53

What can we already test of the smart layout?
I've cloned and compiled Musescore on my laptop yesterday evening (3543170) and triolet/chord/fingering in a new score are still positioned by musescore one above the other.
Is it not included in smart layout yet or do we have to activate something in the options to get it work?
Attached score and print screen.
Also, moving a note does strange thing to the fingering (also see print screen and attached score).

Note: cloning on my laptop makes browsing the code and the commits easy: whaouh! Impressive amount of work! Congrats.


AFAIK, only the following is supposed to work (and I may miss a couple of things)

* Vertical anticollision of systems/staff: moving a note, a line, articulations etc... should make more room between systems
* Lines (ottava, hairping, volta) / Notehead+beam+articulation
* Lyrics / Notehead+beam+articulation
* Hairpin and dynamic

In reply to by frfancha

Chordnames are already in for vertical spacing of systems/staff. They also go out of the way of staff text etc...
There is nothing done for tuplet number or bracket, nor for fingering as far as I can see. I'm not aware of any plan for them, next item on the list are slurs. Feel free to propose something.

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