
• May 31, 2011 - 20:14

A user just changed the English handbook pages (contents and titles) for "Getting Started" and "Basics" to a foreign language. I suspect it was an honest mistake, but you likely want to change them back.


It's reverted back to the previous state. The problem was caused by a translator incorrectly using the translation flow, by accident indeed.

As a new user, I found it hard to find anything in the handbook since you need to know the vocabulary before you can do a search for it. A contents page would be helpful, I think. The following (presented in a tidy format) could be added to the first page in the available space and be very helpful..

1. Getting started p2
2. Basics p7
3. Notation p21
4. Sound and playback p39
5. Text p45
6. Formatting p50
7. Advanced topics p53
8. Support p58
9. Appendix p63
10. Create new score p71

When I try to download the user handbook PDF, I get a message that the file is damaged and cannot be repaired. I would like to have the PDF to refer to on my computer as I learn to use the software. Could someone please post a working PDF to download?

Many thanks,

In reply to by willward

the handbook is part of the MuseScore installation. The online handbook might be more up-to-date, but the pdf version available for download has not been updated since MuseScore 1.2 has been released.
Furtermore I don't believe that the PDF Handbook available for download is really broken, I just did and it opened just fine in Acrobat Reader

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

As a member of the ‘old’ generation (* in 1946), I always find it very inconvenient
reading handbook text or ‘help’ files on a pc monitor. Always print it out and lay it
next to my computer to have the possibility browsing the pages looking for a solution
when facing a problem.
So I ask the board with great emphasis to keep the PDF version up to date!!
Many thanks in advance.

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