Ukulele tab and standard notation?

• Oct 19, 2012 - 14:42

How do I create tab for Ukulele? (or guitar/bass etc...) I would like to be able to have standard notation with Tab underneath. A program that I Previously used did this by entering the Tab on the lower stave and the note would appear on the upper stave. Thanks in advance for your help.


Tab isn't supported in the current version, but will be in the next major version. You can, if you wish, try out an experimental nightly build to get a feel for how it will work - click the Download link at right of this page and scroll down to the "nightly" section. And see the various threads in the Technology Preview forum for discussion of how the Tab feature works (or see the link in the News section at bottom right of the main site).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the reply. i did just check out the tab for ukulele format. Works great but I did have to enter both tab (lower stave) and notes (upper stave) Is there a way to have the notation automatically written as I enter the tab? (like the old power tab program?)
I'll keep my eyes open for the new musescore2.0 when it comes out. Until then I'll keep using my old powerTab which is slow, and bad. Thanks for what you are doing.

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